
Day 81 through 87 - Catch Up

I am getting caught up on the photos from the past week.  It has been a kind of crazy week and I didn't put much effort into my 365 project, even though my DSLR is back it was more of a point-and-shoot kind of effort on my part.

Day 87 - Robin

I finally saw my first Robin of the season. :) Spring is officially here!

Day 86 - Daffodils

Day 85 - Stray Socks

I am part of a book club - The Stray Socks Society, Monday was our first meeting.

Day 84 - Present

Day 83 - Todd turns 40
My husband turned 40 and we had a huge shaker here at our place - it was fantastic and I took a grand total of 10 pictures - ah well, I had a blast just the same. This photo is a bit of a cheat - it is a crop of a photo a friend took on my camera - thanks DF.

Day 82 - Light
Day 81 - My D60 arrived back home. :D


  1. Excellent photographs and so glad you got your D90 back. Happy Bday to your hubby, I remember 40 lol.


  2. Love every single shot but love the bird the most.. very vivid colors.

  3. Some wonderful shots here - tough to pick just one favourite. I like 'the light', the socks, the robin, the daffodil, the ... ok - I like them all!
