
Day 54 - Dreaming

Dreaming of enjoying this Corona by a beautiful blue sea instead of our snow covered land.
Oh well, at least it's Friday!  Cheers!

Day 53 - Neglect

I have been neglectful of my project 365 lately.  I haven't put nearly enough thought or energy into it.  The days get away from me.  Yesterday was no different.
I shot this quickly when I got home from the gym before watching Survivor.
Hopefully today will be better.


Day 52 - Crazy kid

I think the picture speaks for itself.  My kid is crazy.

Day 51 - Fail

Today (well yesterday really) was a total photo failure.  I took exactly two photos that were supposed to be of the snow falling outside.  Unfortunately the auto-focus was on, the kids were requiring attention, then the day got away from me and I never picked up my camera again.
Can you even see the snow?  I really want to learn how to capture falling snow.


Day 50 - Happy Bench Monday

It's Monday.  Monday = bench shot.  Today I am feeling colourful.  It is also day 50 of my Project 365.  HBM!  Happy Day 50 to me!


Days 47, 48 & 49 - Girl's weekend

I have just returned from a wonderful weekend with some amazing women.  I met these ladies when my first born was only a few months old, and have been enjoy their friendship ever since. Spending time with them this weekend has been inspiring.  I feel so very fortunate to call them my friends.

We had a special guest

We had some drinks

We had some fondue

And some beautiful winter weather


Day 46 - Snip

Cutting is a favorite activity in these parts.  Newspaper, flyers, magazines, construction paper, colouring pages  - no paper is safe. 
Red is the colour of choice - always.


Day 45 - Meet Victoria

Victoria is my Royal Doulton.  She was given to me by my grandmother. 
Growing up, my grandmother bought a Royal Doulton each time a grandchild was born.  We grew up knowing that when she passed, we would be given our doll to remember her.  I loved going to my grandmother's house and looking at Victoria behind the glass of her curio cabinet.  My grandmother's home was filled with beautiful things.  She wore gloves.  And hats.  She had an entire room dedicated to her wardrobe.  She was very much a lady.  It is strange to write "was" because my grandmother has not passed away, but she is no longer the woman I spent my life knowing.  She suffers from Alzheimers.  All of her beautiful things have found their way to new homes, as has she. 
Victoria sits in my bedroom and reminds of my grandmother - the woman who helped me become the woman I am and the woman I still very much love, even if she no longer remembers me.

Day 44 - Only one today

Today I only took one photo.  I somehow managed to crack the glass on my camera's display screen.  I have no idea how it happened, so I have been nervous to shoot with it until it gets fixed.  Off to Nikon it must go. For the next little while I will be shooting with my Canon Elph.  Oh D60, how I will miss you. :(
Anyhow, here is my little buddy Henry and his Pirate face. ARRRR mateys!


Day 43 - GOLD!

Today's photo is to celebrate Canada winning it's first ever Gold medal on Canadian soil.  Thank you Alex Bilodeau.


Day 42 - She sleeps

We spent the weekend in Montreal celebrating my nephews birthday.  This kids stayed up too late, ate too much sugar and basically had 48 hours of crazy fun. 
It exhausted my little miss - she fell asleep in the midst of some pretty wild Wii action.
Happy Love Day All!

Bonus photo:

The boys playing Wii Cycling - I think they had fun!

Day 41 - Candy

Enjoyed some candy with the kiddos - I'm pretty sure I will need a visit to the dentist after this week. ;P


Day 40 - mmmmm cookies!

Today we made cookies to celebrate Valentine's Day.  It's funny (strange?) - I am not a fan of v-day - at all, really - but the kiddies love any and all holidays, and so, we celebrate...and you know what?  It makes me just as happy as it makes them.

Isla's cookie - she insists when I write her name that it has "two points mama!"


Day 39 - I think we got a dud...

This our Himalayan Rock Salt Crystal Lamp.  It was a gift from my mother-in-law.  It is supposed to
"naturally purify the air through their ionizing effects. They have profound impact on our body, mind and spirit. They work best for our wellbeing due to their magical effects. Besides, they are used for the treatment of medical ailments like stress, insomnia, body-aches, arthritis, muscle spasms, skin conditions and fatigue. In homeopathy, natural salt lamp is an important remedy for serious mental imbalances. "
I'm not sure ours is working properly - I know my mental balance could use some help! :P
Oh well, it's pretty.


Day 38 - It's almost here...

Valentines Day! 
These are just of a few of the hearts the kids have plastered all over our windows.
I <3 them.

Day 37 - Water play

I was intrigued by another 365'ers photo and wanted to try and play with some water and reflections.
It's not quite what I was hoping for, but it's a learning process, right?


Day 36 - Three girls and their stuffies

I wanted to submit a photo for Bench Monday on flickr, so I asked the girls to stand on a bench - the stuffies were their idea. <3


Day 35 - Lazy day

Had a tonne of fun with some friends last night - perhaps a bit too much. ;) 
Luckily the in-laws had the kiddies and this is how I spent a good part of the day - lazing around in bed. 
I hope your Sunday was a relaxing one too.

Day 34 - He loves it!

I took Declan skating at our local park with some friends.  He loves it! 


Day 33 - I've got nothin'

It's Friday night. I'm out of steam and lacking creativity... off to drink wine and watch Zombieland.


Day 32 - Remember when

Remember when you bought a box of Valentine's Day cards and filled in all your classmates names and then put them in their handmade mailboxes at school? 
Declan got started on his tonight. 
It was really rather cute; he had his class list and was crossing each name off as he went, he was trying so hard to get each lower case letter perfect.  He very carefully selected each one, trying to find the perfect one for each of his friends. <3


Day 31 - Ambiance

Enjoying some candlelight this evening.


Day 30 - Long day

It' s been a long day - I finally got to put my feet up.


Day 29 - Waking Jake

It was late by the time I picked up my camera for the first time today.  I decided to snap a shot of Jake while he was sleeping, but the flash powering up woke him.  Sorry to wake you buddy.