
Day 33 - I've got nothin'

It's Friday night. I'm out of steam and lacking creativity... off to drink wine and watch Zombieland.


  1. I beg to differ. I would say that this is creative, and I like it :)
    Did you use your arm...or was it a timer?

  2. There's a lot of creativity there. I think you did this on purpose because I can see the entire house in the cup and two teddy bears, one white and the other brown lying next to each other on the couch.

    Can also see a big picture on the wall and I think a door and tv at the side.

    Incredible shot!

  3. Cheers or should that be bottoms up. Lovely capture.


  4. Wow! M. Hassan has VERY good eyes...I squinted and couldn't see all that. I do like the photo, though. It's a "reality" photo :-)

  5. Well, I always enlarge blog photos to view all details, because that's how I learn new things.

  6. Lisa, was the photo mean't to be as I explained in my first comment?

    Really want to comment you on this shot.

  7. Ha M. Hassan, no, none of the reflections were intended - totally accidental. And that is just one stuffed dog (not a bear) who is white (and one of the most loved things in our home), a picture, a fireplace and a window. The TV is behind me. I really was out of ideas and just quickly snapped a "reality" shot. :)
